Hanzhang Yin


I have received my Bachelor's degree from the University of Connecticut, where I discovered my passion for mathematics during my sophomore year, and now I am pursuing my PhD degree in Mathematics at the University of Kansas. My research interests include, Algebraic Combinatorics, and Graph Theory. My research projects are usually focusing on dominating sets of graphs.

I am interested in Promotion and Rowmotion and I wrote a short paper to summarize the result of the paper "Promotion and Rowmotion" by Jessica Striker and Nathan Williams. Here is the link to my short paper.

Foulkes Conjecture


Domination of Cartesian Product of Complete Graphs

Symmetric Polynomial

Coxeter Group/Representation Theory


Order Ideal

Toggling on Path Graphs


Euclid's Algorithm and Unique Factorization of Integers

Uniqueness of Monic Polynomial Factorization

Modular Arithmetics

Arithmetic Function

\((\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^\times\) is Cyclic

Quadratic Congruence

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Math 125 Note 1

Math 125 Note 2

Math 125 Note 3

Math 125 Note 4

Math 125 Note 5

Trigonometry Identities


Numerical Analysis

Measure Theory

Elliptic Curve


How to Draw Young Diagrams

Manim Example Scene

Fine Tune GPT

Group Algebra in SageMath

Add Existing Directory to GitHub

Smith Normal Form


Path Variables


R (Data)

Some Vscode Command



Colors for HTML

Common Graphs for SageMath

Code Listing for \(\LaTeX\)

Lean Projects for Installation

How to Install Lean for Emacs

Mathematics in Lean

Mathlib4 Documentation

Lean Community

Lean Online

How to Compress and Uncompress File Archives in Terminal

Color Themes of Alacritty

Change Visual Studio Code Terminal Font

Using GitHub Copilot in the CLI

Value of Equity

Curriculum vitae (C.V.)

Visit my GitHub

Email me: hanyin@ku.edu

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